Our Services

With a team of experienced WordPress developers, ecommerce experts, user experience designers, and award-winning copywriters, James River Digital can provide the services to help you improve your search engine ranking, generate more leads, book more appointments, and boost sales.

Learn more about how we can help your business reach more people, scale affordably and efficiently, and build a digital presence that works. Contact us to schedule a discovery call to discuss your unique needs.

How We Can Help

james river digital responsive website design and web hosting services

Responsive Web Design & Hosting

mobile-responsive website that’s multi-browser compatible is a necessity for any business. James River Digital’s core service is creating friction-free experiences for web visitors with quality user experience design and logical navigation — regardless of the device they use for browsing.

Our custom websites can help you improve brand recognition, build reputation, drive leads, book appointments, sell online, and increase business revenue. When combined with premium web hosting and maintenance, you can ensure that your new site is always healthy and running smoothly.

james river digital seo services and content creation

Search Engine Optimization & Content Creation

Search engine optimization (SEO) is more than just buzz — it’s the key to your website’s discoverability on Google, Bing, and other influential directories. We can help you optimize an existing site or start fresh with a powerful advantage at a new site.

The James River Digital staff includes award-winning writers and content creators who specialize in engaging SEO articles, blogs, videos, infographics, and more. Content creation services are available individually or as part of a Competitive website design package.

james river digital social media management and engagement

Complete Digital marketing Strategy

An engaging digital presence can be a make-or-break factor for businesses. Do you have the time and experience to plan regular blogs, emails, social posts, or videos? If your bandwidth is limited, we can give you the support you need.

Whether it’s on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, or your own blog, the strategy team at James River Digital can put your business’s best face forward. We ensure that your brand guidelines and brand voice are matched and that posts are scheduled according to a strategically-structured content calendar that you help to plan!

Available Upgrades:

Marketing Services To Help You Get Ahead

Paid Advertising

· Social Media Ads
· Search Ads Including Google, Bing, & Yelp

Search Engine Marketing

· Competitor SEO Research
· Competitive Article & Blog Topic Suggestions
· Content Seeding

Email Marketing & Automation

· Email Campaign Creation for Mailchimp or Constant Contact
· Email Campaign Creation and Workflow Setup for Hubspot

Contact Management

· Hubspot Free CRM Setup
· Hubspot Paid CRM Setup & Maintenance

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have a question that’s not answered here, please contact us!

How long does it take to launch a new website?​

Timelines vary depending on several factors, including the total number of pages incuded in your build, the amount of copywriting required, whether your domain name (URL) is newly-registered or one that you will be transferring, and more. The majority of our clients launch their new websites between 60 and 90 days after completing a project agreement.​

Can you refresh my existing website?

Yes, we can provide website refresh or content updating services. All that you’ll need to get started is administrative access to your web hosting account or your content management system (CMS) to grant our developers access as site editors. You’ll receive the same outstanding support and strategic guidance that our new development and maintenace clients enjoy.

Will I need to Maintain my Own Website?​

You have the option to include regular backups, security updates, and other maintenance tasks as part of your project agreement, or you can take on those responsibilities internally if you have the skills and resources to accommodate it. ​You have complete control of your website.

I don’t have a domain name (URL) Yet – Do I need to register one myself?

Domain registration can be included with your project and set up for you by our development team.​ All new registries include SSL certification to provide a secure connection and safeguard any sensitive data.

How much will it cost to design and build my website?​

Total project costs are calcuclated to fit your website’s specific needs and include factors like the number of pages your site requires, any special features or functions, the amount of copywriting we provide, and whether you provide photos or we source them for you. Schedule a discovery call and we’ll provide a cost estimate of your project within 24 hours!

Do you create websites for any type of business?

Yes! From small businesses and ecommerce to government agencies and nonprofits, we have the experience to design and build websites to meet the needs of any industry. Contact us for a discovery session to learn more about how we can help your business reach its goals.

Ready to See More?

Browse our portfolio to see a few of the websites and marketing strategies we’ve created, or contact us about case studies that show how we’ve helped our clients make big changes to their brands and businesses.